Week 13 - Tulsa Route 66 Virtual Training - 8 / 16 Miles
NO Announcements and NO Water Stops
Runners start on Saturday or Sunday
Half Marathoners (8 Miles) and Marathoners (16 miles)
Pick an OKC Trail or make your own route - OKC Trails Map
You must maintain physical distancing of at least 6 feet from other runners while assembling at your chosen start area and while running.
There will be no gathering in large groups. Consider wearing a mask when not running.
Small groups should run no more than 2 wide, in staggered formation, while maintaining at least 6 feet of spacing.
After completing your run, rehydrate and limit your post run social while maintaining 6ft physical distance and please wear a mask.
Post Run
Be sure to share pictures and mileage data on social media using #Landrunners. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, Strava, and Twitter.
Bring extra water, powerade, gels and keep in your vehicle at your start location which can double as your water stop & finish line. We will NOT be providing water stops during this run.
Your hydration system should allow you to conveniently and comfortably carry water as needed for the duration of your long run. Be aware that most public water fountains will not be operational, so make sure your hydration system has sufficient capacity for the water you will need. For example, If you plan to run for 1 - 2 hours, you may need at least approximately 2 liters of water. The amount of water you actually need will vary based on many factors, so carefully evaluate running conditions and your personal fitness. Also consider bringing electrolyte/salt tablets to consume for longer runs in warmer conditions.
You will likely be sharing the streets with normal traffic and sharing the trails with other pedestrians including cyclists.
Maintain physical distancing of at least 6 FEET from other runners and pedestrians. Be mindful of wind direction when running in close proximity to others, and adjust distancing as needed.
On the streets, run on the LEFT SIDE of the street, facing traffic, and not in the middle of the road. When approaching traffic get in a SINGLE FILE LINE with other runners and move to the far left, leaving as much space as possible for traffic. LOOK both ways before running through intersections - don't simply "follow the group."
On the trails, run on the RIGHT SIDE of the trail while leaving space for oncoming pedestrians and cyclists. Do not make abrupt stops and turns - you do not want a cyclist crashing into you from behind.
Let's be courteous with others in our community and respectfully share the roads and trails. The safety of our participants is always our primary concern.
We encourage you to continue to share your pictures and help others stay motivated as well. Don’t forget to use #Landrunners
Be sure to follow CDC’s guidance at:
Waiver - The Landrunners cannot guarantee that you will not be exposed to COVID-19 during a group training run and will not be responsible for any potential exposure. By attending a Landrunner training run, you acknowledge and agree that you assume the inherent risks associated with attendance. COVID-19 Attachment
As always training is FREE and open to all walkers and runners. You do not need to be a member to attend.