First half marathon recovery

  • Tue, April 29, 2014 10:21 AM
    Message # 1544855
    Deleted user
    Hi Landrunners,

    I just ran my first half marathon Sunday at the OKC Memorial Half Marathon! As you can imagine, I'm very sore. I was wondering if anyone had recommendations on if it's better to use ice or heat on my legs. My muscles are really sore and I'm not sure if ice or heat is better, or, if it's just a personal preference! 

    Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated!

  • Wed, April 30, 2014 8:57 AM
    Reply # 1545332 on 1544855
    Deleted user
    pretty standard for your first. icing is good. It just takes a few days to work out the soreness. maybe some easy stretching. I usually try and run a few easy miles a few days after. Since this was your first, you might want to rest a week or so, then start some easy running again. It gets better the more you run. Good luck.