Looking for relay runners

  • Thu, July 07, 2011 12:54 PM
    Message # 648023
    Deleted user

    We are looking for 2 runners to fill out our 12 person relay team for the Wild West Relay in Colorado. Our team is comprised of a mix of runners men / women, fast / slow, who are just out to complete the relay and have alot of fun doing it. Each team member runs 3 legs, with the legs varying in degree of difficulty and length from 3 to 8 or 9 miles, with runners running a total of 15 to 18 miles total over the course of the relay.

    The Relay is a 200 mile relay from Ft. Collins, CO to Steamboat Springs,CO beginning on Aug 12, ending Aug13. If you are interested or curious, check out the relay website http://www.wildwestrelay.com/index.html or contact me at:


