Suggested Start Time between 7:15 am to 7:45 am
We are excited to see everyone again - but from a distance!!! With cases declining, we want to start having some group runs again. However, we are still in a pandemic and always want to put the health and safety of our runners first so we plan to have a phased approach resuming our group runs.
We encourage you to share your pictures and help others get motivated. Don’t forget to use #Landrunners.
Location - Scissortail Park. We'll start from behind the main stage located at OKC Blvd and Robinson. Their bathrooms will be open at 6:30. Masks should be worn in the park when not physical distancing so bring one for before and after your run and carry with you in case you need to make a pit stop at a local business or encounter a situation where physical distancing is not possible..
Course - We have mapped out a 3, 4 and 6 mile loop course for this week (see the color coding on the map). Run it once, twice, three times, etc. or branch off into other areas of downtown, Bricktown, River Trails if you are comfortable doing so.
Scissortail 3M, 4M, 6M course https://www.plotaroute.com/routecollection/5605
Start whenever you want Saturday morning - recommend between 7:15 and 7:45.
Please maintain physical distance and do not congregate. Limit groups to 10 or less.
Course allows flexibility if you feel more comfortable starting at another location along the route so you can maintain your distance from others (street parking is free on Saturday).
We will NOT be providing any water stops or start/finish water. Bring your own hydration..
Remember - Don't show up if you are feeling sick, have tested positive for Covid-19 and still under quarantine or have been exposed and under quarantine awaiting test results.
- Wash your hands
- Maintain physical distance - before, during and after the run
- No hugs, handshakes or high fives
- No spitting or "nose rockets"
Failure to follow the guidelines will negatively impact future training runs
Running Etiquette - Remember that we are sharing the road and the trails with others. We want them to be courteous to us, so we, in turn need to be courteous and respectful and not "hog" the road or the trails. Streets: used the sidewalk or run on the left, facing traffic and move over for vehicles (they are bigger and you won't win the battle). Trails: run on the right and leave room for bikes and others to pass on the left. This is NOT a closed course and don't blindly run through intersections.
Waiver - The Landrunners cannot guarantee that you will not be exposed to COVID-19 during a group training run and will not be responsible for any potential exposure. By attending a Landrunner training run, you acknowledge and agree that you assume the inherent risks associated with attendance. COVID-19 Attachment