Training Calendar
OKC Memorial Marathon & Half Training
Start January 4, 2025
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Top Ways To Stay Visible While Running
Choose a date to help with the water stops and someone from the training committee will contact you the week before your scheduled stop and provide details on when/where/how to setup the stop. All equipment is provided, all we need is for you to pickup the equipment the day before the training run, fill the water coolers, setup the stop the morning of the run, and tear down the stop after the run. YOU CAN STILL PARTICIPATE IN THE TRAINING RUN! Just get everything setup early and then come to the start and run as usual! Following your run, go back and pick up the equipment, drop it off and you're done!
OKC Memorial Marathon and half marathon training will start on Saturday, January 4th, 2025. All paces welcome from elite to walkers.
Registration/Membership – The training group is a free open service to anyone wanting to train for any aspect of the Marathon Training or just wanting to get some physical activity. We would love to have any interested runners/walkers join the OKC Running Club as well but it is not required. We will routinely have membership applications available for those who would like to join the club. Annual memberships are $30 / $40 Family.
Courses - Out & Back and Loop so they can be modified to fit your individual training plan. They are on public streets and paved trails. Trails - run on the right, streets - run on the left against traffic and obey all traffic signs. Run at your own risk.
Water Stops – We will have water/sports drink stops at the start/finish area and approximately every 3 miles along the routes.
Water Stop Closing – The water stops will be closed based on a 15 minute per mile pace. If you can’t finish the course by that time and you need water, we recommend that you start earlier so you can finish before the water stops close or carry water with you.
Treats to Share – It has been a long standing tradition of this training group that members bring food treats to share with the other runners after the run. You are welcome to participate in this tradition. Typically, people bring a homemade loaf of bread, brownies, bagels, fruit, pretzels, or something similar. If just a few people do this each week there is generally plenty to go around. So, pick a week and treat your fellow runners!
We look forward to another good training season.