To support health and fitness of all ages through recreational running.



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Week 4 - OCMM Spring Training - 6 / 12 Miles

  • Sat, January 23, 2016
  • 7:00 AM (CST)
  • Stockyards City, 1300 S Agnew Ave

Week 4 - OCMM Spring Training - 6 / 12 Miles

Where: Stockyards City, 1300 S Agnew Ave
 Parking in the UMB Bank lot west of their building (access from SW 11th and Agnew) & the large lot behind Cattleman's Steak House (access from SW 13th & Agnew).
Course: Click here for Map  We will head east on Exchange Ave and pick up the river trail at the Exchange Ave Bridge, returning we will follow the trail back to Agnew  and then south on Agnew to Exchange Ave.  The 6 mile route will turn at the 1st water stop, for 12 miles turn at the second water stop.  

Water Stop Sponsor:


We are going green and will be gradually reducing the number of cups each week.  Get your
hydrapouch today! Only $5 at the training runs or order online here.

As always training is FREE and open to all walkers and runners. You do not need to be a member to attend. Water will be provided about every 3 miles.

If you're not already a member join us today!


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