Canceled Due to COVID-19
Week 11 - OCMM Spring Training - 7 / 14 Miles
#Landrunners #RuntoRemember
Due to the large size of our training group and in the interest of protecting the health and safety of our community, we have made the decision to cancel this week's training run.
This decision is based on the evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) public health situation and our inability to sufficiently ensure that our training runs do not contribute to the potential spread of the COVID-19 virus within our community.
We know runners are going to run and we encourage you to continue training on your own or in small groups. Please refer to our training plan (training schedule) for our recommended mileage schedule. Check out your favorite trail or maybe try a new one - including Lake Hefner, River Trails, Lake Draper, Lake Overholser, Katy Trail, Mitch Park, Arcadia, Earlywine Park. Continue to follow preventative measures EVEN IF YOU FEEL WELL as recommended by the CDC:
- Practice social distancing of at least 6 feet;
- Practice hand hygiene, including frequent hand washing, use of hand sanitizer, and avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth;
- Practice respiratory etiquette, including covering cough and sneezes with a tissue, and then disposing of the tissue in the trash;
- Clean frequently touched surface and objects daily (including tablets and cell phones); and
- Perform vigilant self-monitoring; stay home if feeling unwell, developing a cough, or running a fever. Seek medical care if you develop these symptoms.
Visit and for additional information about preventive measures and latest developments.
We will continue to carefully monitor events related to COVID-19 as local and national developments emerge – stay close to our social media and email for updates and additional information about our other planned training runs
New Location & Time due to conflict at Draper with OKC Parks Department
Location: First Church, 131 NW 4th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Parking Note: if you will not be finished and gone by 9:30 please do not park in the church lot as they need the spaces for a 9:45 event.
Click below for Course Maps:
Plotaroute 7/14 Miles
RunGo 7/14 Miles
Water Stop Sponsor:
Water & Powerade will be provided about every 3 miles - NO CUPS.
Runs are cup free so bring your own cup, bottle or drink container - no drinking from the cooler spigots. Get your hydrapouch today! Only $5 at the training runs or order online here.
As always training is FREE and open to all walkers and runners. You do not need to be a member to attend.