Week 2 - OCMM Training - 4 / 8 Miles Where: Anywhere / Anytime
We hope everyone had a successful first week of training. We enjoyed seeing the social media posts regarding your runs. We know it can be hard to stay motivated so simple things like sharing running posts can help others. Continue to share your pictures on Facebook, Instagram, Strava and put some positivity out there! Don’t forget to use #Landrunners and #RUNtoREMEMBER. With case counts continuing to increase, we will be conducting our training run again this week as a Virtual Run. Our training plan calls for 4 miles for those training for the half and 8 miles for those training for the marathon. Run your miles this weekend at the time and place of your choosing making sure you have adequate hydration as there will NOT be any water stops and most of the water fountains along the trails have not been turned on due to the pandemic. So make sure you have your own running hydration system with you such as a hand-held water bottle, waist belt, or hydration vest/pack as it is forecasted to be quite warm. Some areas you might see other runners -
Running Etiquette - Please be aware that the trails have been extremely busy lately with even more runners, walkers and cyclists using them. Remember that we are sharing the road and the trails with others. We want them to be courteous to us, so we, in turn need to be courteous and respectful and not "hog" the road or the trails. In this time of physical distancing, we need to practice good Running Etiquette and give everyone their space. Please refresh yourself on Running Etiquette summarized in this attachment. Running Etiquette
Training in the Summer - Training though the summer months will present new challenges with the heat and humidity. Staying hydrated will be critical. Find a water bottle or hydration belt or vest that you are comfortable running with as we will not have water stops initially. Make sure you stay hydrated throughout the week. Every runner is different in how much they sweat and their hydration needs. As Dr. Tom states in his article in the July 2016 newsletter, you have to "Replace what you lost yesterday before you run today." There is also a good article in this edition about the effects of heat and humidity on your running pace. July 2016 Landrunner newsletter
Waiver - The Landrunners cannot guarantee that you will not be exposed to COVID-19 during a group training run and will not be responsible for any potential exposure. By attending a Landrunner training run, you acknowledge and agree that you assume the inherent risks associated with attendance. COVID-19 Attachment
As always training is FREE and open to all walkers and runners. You do not need to be a member to attend.
Copyright - Oklahoma City Running Club - The Landrunners