Announcements @ 6:25am
Note: Memorial will have giveaways and 10% off registration.
Kids Run starts @ 9:00am
We encourage you to share your pictures on social media and help others get motivated. Don’t forget to use #Landrunners #RuntoRemember
As always, our training is FREE and we welcome new and veteran runners alike. Invite your friends!
Key Things to Note:
NO CUPS - We will be providing water stops but there will be ZERO, NONE, ZILCH, NADA cups at the water stops again this year so bring your hydrapouch (or $5 to buy one before the run) or your own water bottle or cup to carry. DO NOT DRINK FROM THE COOLER SPIGOT! We cannot emphasize this enough. If we see or hear of anyone drinking directly from the cooler spigot, we may be forced to curtail future water stops.
Running Etiquette - Remember that we are sharing the road and the trails with others. We want them to be courteous to us, so we, in turn need to be courteous and respectful and not "hog" the road or the trails. Obey all traffic signs, use the cross walks and sidewalks when available. Before our first training run we ask that everyone refresh yourself on Running Etiquette summarized in this attachment. Running Etiquette
Running in the Heat - Training in the summer with the heat and humidity will be challenging for many of us. As Bart Yasso said last weekend, the best thing you can do is train by effort and not focus on pace. Be smart. Slow down if you start to overheat.
Wave Start - We anticipate utilizing a wave start to spread out the group so please line up according to your expected pace and wait until your pace is called to begin running.
Start - OKC National Memorial Museum - We'll start from the west side of the OKC Memorial, 640 N Harvey. Their bathrooms will be open at 6:00am.
7 Miles - 1st 5M on Marathon Course
7 Miles - 2nd 7 Miles
14 Miles- Both 7 miles loops combined
7 Miles - 1st 5M on Marathon Course
7 Miles - 2nd 7 Miles
14 Miles- Both 7 miles loops combined
Courses allows flexibility if you feel more comfortable starting at another location along the route so you can maintain your distance from others (street parking is free on weekends).
Remember - Don't show up if you are feeling sick, have tested positive for Covid-19 and still under quarantine or have been exposed and under quarantine awaiting test results. We are still in a pandemic and always want to put the health and safety of our runners first so keep up the safety protocols. Get vaccinated or wear a mask.
Water Stops - We will have water and a sports drink approximately every 3 miles. Water stops do not stay open indefinitely. We will be closing the water stops based on a 15 minute mile pace. If you run or walk slower than a 15 minute pace or if you are running longer than the group's planned mileage, then you should start earlier or carry water as your needs dictate.
Waiver - The Landrunners cannot guarantee that you will not be exposed to COVID-19 during a group training run and will not be responsible for any potential exposure. By attending a Landrunner training run, you acknowledge and agree that you assume the inherent risks associated with attendance. COVID-19 Attachment
Email List - If you know someone that wants to be added to our training email list, have them go to www.okcrunning.org/trainingsignup and enter their information to be added.
As always training is FREE and open to all walkers and runners. You do not need to be a member to attend.