Water stop volunteers needed this week, setup by 7:30am or sooner, pickup 11am or later. Contact us if you can help us out: training@okcrunning.org
1: NE 4th & Katy Trail
2: Lincoln Park Clubhouse
FYI: This Saturday, Oct. 14, 2023 annular solar eclipse will cross North America. It will be visible in parts of the United States, 70 - 80% across Oklahoma (10:21am to 1:23pm, max view @ 11:40am). Bring your eclipse glasses to view after your run.
LOCATION: Bar K, 901 SE 5th St Oklahoma City, OK 73129
The Bar K restaurant will be open after your run so bring some money for post run coffee or drink specials and the kitchen will be open for food orders @ 9:00am.
Announcements @ 6:50am
As always, our training is FREE and we welcome EVERYONE. Invite your friends! Show up and bring your smile!!!
We encourage you to share your pictures on social media and help others get motivated. Don’t forget to use #Landrunners
Running Etiquette - Remember that we are sharing the road and the trails with others. We want them to be courteous to us, so we, in turn need to be courteous and respectful and not "hog" the road or the trails. Obey all traffic signs, use the cross walks and sidewalks when available. Before our first training run we ask that everyone refresh yourself on Running Etiquette summarized in this attachment. Running Etiquette
Courses - Bar K east to the Katy trail to the OKC Zoo and back for 16.6 miles, then west on the river trail to the Walker bridge and back to get in your 20 miles. Those running 10 miles will turn at mile 5 by the park just north of NE 16TH and the Katy Trail.
Plotaroute 10/20 Miles
RunGoApp 10/20 Miles
Water Stops - We will have water and a sports drink approximately every 3-4 miles. NO CUPS SO BRING YOUR OWN CUP OR BOTTLE, NO drinking directly from the coolers spigots. We will have hyrdapouch cups for sale at most runs.
Waiver - The Landrunners cannot guarantee that you will not be exposed to COVID-19 during a group training run and will not be responsible for any potential exposure. By attending a Landrunner training run, you acknowledge and agree that you assume the inherent risks associated with attendance. COVID-19 Attachment
Email List - If you know someone that wants to be added to our training email list, have them go to www.okcrunning.org/trainingsignup and enter their information to be added.
As always training is FREE and open to all walkers and runners. You do not need to be a member to attend.